SPOKEDIER – Doodgewoon

Depression. Abuse. Suicide. Themes that artist SPOKEDIER gives words to in his song 'Doodgewoon'. SPOKEDIER, commonly known as Jacob Noordergraaf, writes about how depression and suicidal thoughts have become commonplace among many young people today. With this song, SPOKEDIER aims to convey the message that you are never alone in this.

"Hij wist niet beter dan dit denkpatroon. Ik wil dood gewoon, dat was doodgewoon."


Directed, produced and edited by me and Jochem van Velzen (Blinds Creative)
P.A.: Jochen de Blaere, Jadon Balois
Talents: Jochen de Blaere, Charlotte Coebergh, Jadon Balois
Artist: SPOKEDIER (Jacob Noordegraaf)
Music prod: KOENRAAD (Tom Koenraad)